Take a solar rail ride through the Odenwald

Am Bahnhof 10, 69483 Wald-Michelbach(360 m über NN)

A very special experience with unusual views awaits you on this drive with solar energy through the beautiful landscape of the Odenwald.

Part solar power, part pedal power, this unique ride is the perfect way to see the Odenwald. Using the electrically-assisted pedals, riders can cycle their car along the railway tracks. Each car is fitted with a solar panel on the roof to provide the electricity for the pedal mechanism. The route takes in mountain tunnels and great views from the viaducts. At the start and end of your journey, there is plenty to see and do at the two terminus stations of Mörlenbach and Wald-Michelbach. 

Kategorie Festpreis

Gruppentarif: Einfach ab € 6,90; inkl. Rückfahrt ab € 9,90 p.P.
ab 6,90 €

Überwaldbahn gGmbH

Contact person

Am Bahnhof 10, 69483 Wald-Michelbach

+49 (0) 6207 2049130



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